Frequently Asked Questions

What is the date given?

In Scotland the date given is the date of registration. This is the date when the property transaction was recorded on the Land Register by Registers of Scotland. This is not the same as the date of sale. It usually takes between a few days and a few months from the actual sale of a property to be registered in the Land Register. The time difference is required for the Solicitor handling the sale to complete the necessary paperwork and forward it for entry on the Land Register.

In England and Wales the date given is the date of sale.

Transactions where the sale price is listed as £0. What does this mean?

In some cases property exchanges hands without the exchange of full market value for that property. These transactions are categorized and recorded in the Land Register. The most frequent are described below:

  • Lease
    The letting of a property by a landlord to a tenant for a specified period and on prescribed conditions for the payment of rent.
  • By way of Excambion
    The exchange of one piece of property in return for another
  • Sub-Lease
    The sub-letting of a lease of property by a tenant to a sub-tenant for a specified period and on prescribed conditions for the payment of rent.
  • No consideration
    The transfer of property from one party to another with no money or other payment passing between them.
  • Certain Good and Onerous Causes
    The transfer of property from one party to another with no money or other payment passing between them.
  • Love, Favour and Affection
    The transfer of property from one party to another as a gift, usually to a relative or spouse.
  • Implementation of Agreement
    The transfer of property from one party to another after an understanding about a particular issue has been reached, for example on divorce.
  • Implementation of Will
    The transfer of property belonging to a person who has died giving effect to the wishes they expressed in their Will.
How does Searching by Postcode work?

Searching by postcode does not search directly by postcode matching your search input in the database of property transactions. The process first validates the input postcode against the master file published by the Post Office and determines the geographical location of that point. From this the search determines all recorded property transactions located within a reasonable distance.

Whilst every effort is made to determine the location of each sale, the ability to do this is determined by the quality of the address information recorded on the Register. In some cases (approximately 3% of the data set) it is not possible to accurately locate the sale and therefore this search method does not include those records.

Who is

MyHouse is a UK company set up to publish house price information services using the latest internet technology. The service is designed for professional users.

The property price information originates from the official land registers and is in the public domain. These Land Registers are public registers and are maintained by the ROS (Registers of Scotland) in Scotland and by HMLR (The Land Registry) in England and Wales. has been granted permission by ROS and HMLR to provide a range of property information services. acknowledges that the property address and price information contained in the service is Crown copyright. operates in accordance with data protection legislation and with the General Data Protection Regulations and the Data Protection Registration number is 27193992.

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